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Providing What You Need

Welcome to Georgia Youth Career Center, a career counseling and training program for youth and young adults 12-23 years of age which will educate and empower them to be Georgia workforce ready.
Exposure to various careers is critical and will be accomplished through internship, job shadowing, apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, and career mentoring. GYCC has assembled top experts to ensure each client is set on the pathway for success.

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Personal satisfaction on any job is the key. Choosing a career you are naturally talented in performing makes a difference.  GYCC will assist with better understanding career choices by connecting natural talents with high demand industries. and guiding its clients on the techniques to research them. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.



Employers value work experience. Our staff has the capabilities and expertise to provide you with soft skills needed and to connect you to the best experience for an Internship, Job Shadowing, Apprenticeship, or Entrepreneurship. These opportunities at GYCC can take you to the next level.

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Looking to develop your career but not sure where to turn? Career mentors are important in guiding you through the process. Let us guide you.

Business Meeting


The right career choices will determine your future. We understand the need to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world. GYCC is here to provide ongoing support. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.

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